hello, I would like any info and helpful tips anyone can give on how to determine the hairline and how much hair to put on my new baby also is there a special way that I am supposed to be holding the mico needle to do the hair??( i have broken 2 needles ) I know there are so many questions, but I am so proud of her I would hate to mess up her hair.
If you go under search which is at the top and type in rooting questions, or rooting tuturials, it will take you to a list of different questions that have been answered before. If you cant faind the answer there, then send a post. I have a DVD on rooting from Secrists, I found that very helpfull. But there are other ladies that are new on here also, I broke about 5 needles the first time I rooted a head. Make sure you have a sock with rice in it, microwave for three minutes, with a glass of water in there also otherwise you will burn the rice. Place it inside the head, it will soften the vinyl and you wont break as many, but you have to keep reheating the rice. I usually put a towel on my lap or under the head as it gets quite warm, not that it would bother anyone other than some of us Ozzies. Hope this helps. XXXXX June.
Excellent suggestions June! I highly recommend the rooting DVD by Stephanie Sullivan for Secrist also. It does show how to hold the hair, needle, etc. Also, the rice sock... it must be real rice, not instant, and don't "cook" the rice, just set it in the sock (or nylon stocking) and the cup of water beside it. 3 minutes. But definately search the forum, as June said, lots of posts on rooting, etc