Yeah, she's my first...the hardest part was the eye brows, oh man, they scared me to death. And, atfirst she looked like a raccoon, so I might have gotten her too pink.
Eyebrows are a bit scary. I use to have my daughter draw them one for me for my first few dolls she's and excellent artist and made them look so easy. Just remember to follow each individual dolls browline when you do them and you can't go wrong. By the looks of your pic you've done just that. Hats Off for a great job on the one of the scariest parts!
Thankyou...I'm trying to find a knitted dress pattern for a preemie...I think that is tougher than making the doll's face. You're profile picture, is that the Zoe doll?
Those links are great, and your zoe is really pretty. I could do one, and make it a boy. I have to wait until I'm paid again.I don't want too many babies around. My neighbor collects dolls, so I'll make one for her. Actually, after the initial cost of mats, this isn't any more expensive than knitting a scarf.
I generally don't like painting at all, but found this to not be messy.
I rooted her eye lashes today. I used the real mohair, and took about a 5 inch peice.I odn't have the needlefelting tool,but am getting it.I ordered the Emma kit, that also has a dVd with it, and she's 10 inches. It's not form Secrist, but was affordable, considering what I got.
Emma. From bountiful baby. she's a 10 inch, that is a starter kit. The thing is,by the time I got the other supplies and tools needed, it'd cost well over the 99.00. I'll have the whole thing, plus the DVd, that covers rooting of hair.
She's a pretty baby... That's amazing for your first time, I can recall my very first one being still dollish. I did the whole thing veins ect. I even rooted a little hair on her. In fact she was so cute i made three two girls and one boy.
they are in the artist completed babies form, I am expecting to get a couple more kits to do this summer I beleive it's good weather to do them.
Jodie B. Lil' Feet Boutique "Where Love Begins" Current avatar is baby Jacob