heres my j turner jonas, he's a work in progress. he's hard to reborn cause you can't take the limbs off the body . i have 3 j turners sage, jonas and prissy(aa) i'm working on all 3. as you can see he's a typical boy ,he's already lost one of his crocs. sage
-- Edited by sage brush nursery on Friday 16th of April 2010 06:42:30 AM
Why can't you take the limbs off of the body? If he has not grooves at top of legs can make them with plastic connector things glued on, or cut tops off of old legs & glue inside of leg, or arm & then connect to a body. Had to fix one like that or a lady recently. Are the arms & legs glued to the body?
j turners ,like some berenguers the limbs are sewn on. i can take the head off but you can't get in to the head. you have to paint the limbs still attached to body. it a challenge but we love j turners. sage