Hi to all my forum friends... I was offline today because I was having surgery to remove all signs of basal cell carcinoma from the lower rim of my eye. I'm so happy that part is donr Tomorrow I have the plastic surgeon repair the mess from today. I"m not sure I'll be able to check in tomorrow, but I'll be back as soon as I'm able.
I'm not as afraid as I was, but I would much rather be rooting a doll's head than having surgery!
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
Linda pm'd me about this and I also assured her that we'll be thinking about her and in our prayers. I also told her about my father-in-law who went through the same thing in his 80's and it was ok. Told her not to drive though lol ;)
So glad to hear the first part went well =) thoughts and prayer are by your side tomorrow that all goes just as well and for a speedy recovery. You'll be rooting a baby's head in no time.
Thank you for the prayers and caring. Everything went as well as it could--no skin grafts because the surgeon was able to loosen the skin at the edge of my eye.
Today I went back to the Dr. because my eye is tearing, oozing, etc. and the whites are sort of not white. The vision in that eye is poor. The Dr. doesn't know if I'm allergic to the antibiotic ointment or if I have an eye infection. She's treating for both conditions.
Sandy and Pat were right that it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I guess they give worst case scenarios to people so we aren't surprised.
Anyway... I'm back in small spurts of time until I can get rid of the eye infection or whatever it is. It hurts almost worse than the eyelid.
Again.... you all are the best, and I've missed you!!!!!
-- Edited by Play Days Dolls on Wednesday 10th of February 2010 02:33:50 AM
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
So glad to hear you are home and just waiting on the infection to clear. I am and so is my youngest daughter alergic to some anti biotic ointments, especially Neomycin(spell check) XXXXXX June. .............................I think you need some Mother Milk. It helps babies, eye infections, why dont they bottle some of that up?
Glad it all went well for you Linda. That eye thing is how I found out I'm alergic to sulfa drugs. They said the way my eye reacted if I would have ingested it instead I wouldn't be here typing! So hope it's just an infection instead of an alergic reaction. No, don't want it to be an infection either, well you know what I mean hun ;)
Thanks for the prayers, get well wishes, and suggestions!
My eye is not cleared up yet, but it seems to be getting somewhat better because it doesn't hurt so much any more. It's still sort of pink and tears up all the time.
I actually had something to cry about so I'm sure my eyes are washed out by now! My husband got bad news on Friday that he has lost his job. Two weeks of severence pay is pretty sad and definitely not enough time to find another job unless there is a miracle. And I'm praying there will be a miracle.
But I had to chuckle (felt good) when I read June's post about needing mother's milk. I had just seen an episode of the American TV show "House" (starring British actor Hugh Laury). A patient on that show wanted a prescription for "mother's milk" and the woman doctor thought he was being ridiculous, refusing to give him the prescription.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
Hi Linda - I'm sorry about your husband's job. I'm praying right along with you. I'm guessing you know that he needs to apply for unemployment right away because there is a backlog for benefits (in Tucson). It's good to hear your eye feels better. Hang in there best you can. Think of you often. Sandy
Thank you, Sandy. He's looking for an employment attorney, working on his resume, networking, and working extra hours at his second (min wage) job. I can't even think about it.
On the bright side... I got the stitches out on Friday. My eye is still red and still using drops, but what an improvement!
Now I have to work, work, work to get my website up to date with the RE kits from Germany. Too much graphic work to do gives me a headache from eye strain(?) so it's going way slower than I would like. Evalina W has another new kit out, too!
In the meantime, all I want to do is start on Welcome Back Taylor (Tamie Yarie) kit.
Of course, the smartest thing to do would be clean my house, organize things, and sell what I don't need in case the worst happens with the job. Oops... I wasn't going to think about that, was I?
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
hi,linda sorry to hear about your husbands job-we've been out of work for year so i know how nerve wreaking it can be, our saveing grace is that everyone in my house gave up their birthdays and stuff like that so we were able to pay the house off a year early. the lord does provide.is the eye better. yours sage ps. could you pm me about the re kits
-- Edited by sage brush nursery on Sunday 21st of February 2010 09:34:38 PM
Glad you got your stitches out and all is progressing, albeit showly. My husband is trying to think of what he might want to do after his layoff comes in Dec. Right before Christmas you know. :( So we're basically socking away EVERY penny. Now the only other issue is health insurance. I can't get a private ins because of "pre-existing conditions" and if they put riders on all that I won't have anything left :O And the work ins we'll have for a year after layoff will be $1300 per month! YIKES, that'll break us in short order. So then I gotta find a job to be able to get ins for myself and our youngest daughter, my husband can then go to the V.A. for what he needs but until then...
I'm sure he'll find something soon ;)
Don't overdo your eye thing now, take it easy on the website.
BTW... can you pm me with the name of the "RE" kits please. For the life of me I can't figure out who that is!