I just got the DVD The art of sculpting 6" Baby dolls from Secrist doll and I just have one question.
If I want to do an openeye baby and I do not want to paint the eyes what size of glasseyes should I get?
I know that a real newborn has an eye that is half the size of an adult. I been trying to use math to calculate the eye size using the proportions of a newborn. If a newborn is 50 cm when it is born and have eyes that are about 13 mm in diameter it would in a 15 cm doll mean that the eyes should be 4 mm in diameter. But that seems so small.
To get the eye size, take a milimeter ruler and measure from the inside of the eye opening to the outside of it. That will give you the eye size in mm which they are measured in. Secrist doesn't carry those small eyes any longer but you may want to check out Eyeco, Masterpiece eyes, or just google doll eyes as there is one other eye manufacturer but I can't remember their name off hand.
If you cut the eye opening in the doll, be sure to bevel the inner side of the lids so the eye will fit more realistically.
You could try Kemper (KemperDolls.com) or Monique (monique.com) dolls. I think they have some small eye sizes.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
Dollyanna Australia, and I think you woud need a size 8 or 10 for the 6 inch mini's, it is quite hard to open them up, especially with the blade of the exacto knife being so sharp, you only have to slip and the eye is ruined, I'll post one of my , What I call Plum Pudding babies in artist show case, I think if I had known about Genesis Heat Set Paints when I was doing them I would have painted the eyes. XXXXX June