Well we have reached another year together, the house is getting closer to being able to move into, thanks to our daughter Samantha, as she is the one doing all the building, painting and tileling. Today our second tank arrived, so that was our Anniversary Present, by getting it now we get a rebate of $1500 au. That will help me to be able to purchase some more kits. SHHHHHHHHHHHH, don't tell anyone. LOL June.
H A P P Y A N N I V E R S A R Y !!! hope you share many more together. I'm only 36 and have been married for 4 years but I love it. With such a high divorce rate these days It's nice to hear of a long and happy marriage like yours. I know you can never tell but I think we will make it though, he really does mean the world to me and he's my best pal too, we always have such a giggle together and we are expecting our 4th baby in 7 weeks time (OMG! I didn't realise how close it's getting until I put it down then). Anyway, enough waffling from me. Congrats again. XXX
Your going to have your hands full, just like me. I had three in nappies and on bottles . Our first little boy, Sean was a very sick baby and no one ever knew how sick he was. When 2 of my daughters had problems falling pregnant, they did genetic tests. The genetasist wanted photo's of the family as Sean passed when he was five. It turned out that he had Williams Syndrome. You can check this condition on the net. It is very rare and back in the 70ties unheard of. Congratulaions on the birth of your new baby, I wanted 13, but stopped after 5. But would be without one of them. I also have 8 Grand children now. 2 IVF to the youngest daughter and ! to the eldest daughter, Thanks to the greatest gift from Rach our middle daughter, She was egg donor twice, so they could have their own children. XXXX June.
I know it was a while ago now but sorry to hear about your little boy. How lovely of your daughter to donate her eggs. My brother and his wife lost 5 babies and was told that she wouldn't carry as she has a very deep heart shaped womb so I offered to be surrogate for them but they then discovered that her blood was way too thick and that was what was causing her the problems. They put her on aspirin tablets when she fell again and they did the trick and now , luckily, they have a beautiful little girl. Yours sounds like a lovely family. Bet they keep you busy, LOL.
Congrats on the anniversary hun! I've just celebrated 20 years last June with this one and was married to the first one for 10. Don't plan on doing that again!
I have 2 beautiful daughters, one just turned 33 last week and the other will be 20 in March. I had pregnancy problems after my first was born (she was 2 months early). Then I went through all the infertility meds, shots, tests, and AI; it was upsetting. Then met my current hubby and boom! a baby! I lost it at almost 4 months and was devastated. However I did get pregnant again with my Amanda. Had to have my cervix sewn shut at 15 weeks (as not to loose her) and not be more than 20 minutes from a hospital. But she was worth every minute of it. I had 3 mos of pre-term labor and she was luckily born only 1 week early.