Hello. I notice my baby's Mohair have a green highlight depending on the ambient light. His natural colour is a medium/dark blond and his style is new born moderate quantaty of hair. Is that normal? Is there something that can be done? Don't know nothing about. Thank You. Gratfully
I don't know if you can get it there but spritz makes babies blond hair lighter, it may take away the green, have you tried shampoo and condition to see how that goes? XXX June.
It depends on what kind of dye (or whatever they used) to dye the hair. A good blonde is hard to do. I'm not sure of how to rid yourself of it. Maybe someone else has ideas. I do know that some mohair is done in an acid bath. I personally dye mine with no-ammonia people hair dye as it IS real hair (just off a goat that's all) lol