Wigs vs Hand rooting. What are some pros and cons. What method do you use and which product is your favorite?
I'm rooting my first reborn doll and I'm not digging the results. It seems that it would be easier to just glue on a wig and get a more professional result, I've seen some gorgeous hand-rooted dolls (done by masters) but it will take me years to get to that level of skill.
Wigs are for porcelain and rooting takes time and effort, plus a bit of patience, but the outcome is much nicer than a wig on the vnasl kits. Try to persis, you will love it in the end.
I'm no expert by any means but thought I would just poke my nose in here, LOL. I have been reborning for about 18 months and I have only ever rooted, I have never used a wig. I think if you keep practising with the rooting you will see an improvement in every single doll you do. Having said that some of the wigs are nice, I think you just have to see what you prefer.
I have seen photos of successfully wigged dolls. But I will say the ones that look really good (outside of toddler dolls) are far and few between! The most realistic finished products are rooted.