On average, how many needles to you go through to root one baby?
I am using the 38 gauge crown needle and it seems that I'm going through an awful lot of them. They are not breaking but they seem to not pick up any hair after awhile. When I switch to a new one, it works fine.
I have been trying to have the flat part up at all times and I notice when it starts having a problem, it works better if I switch to another flat side facing up.
Emily, How many needles you use is up to the artist. I'v seen people go through 20 needles and not finish rooting... some use just 3 or 4. It often depends on the quality of the needle and the user. Some needles seem to loose their strength and bend or break, some have their barbs worn off, snapped off. You will find that you will use a different number every time you root. However, as you become more comfortable rooting you will find out who has the needles that work best for you, and how to root with the least breaking.
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
Michelle, We all know you kids don't listen to your Mums, but this time she is right. Do you use a rice sack heated in the microwave with a cup of water beside it so the rice doesn't burn. It helps to soften the head while you are rooting. I was going to be rude as this is the 3 rd time I have typed this after having it at the computer shop today because I keep loosing my nessages with this jumping thing that is happening to me a comp illit. $ 27 and hasn't changed a thing.
Hey, I didn't pick on you by name.... I just said "someone" had broken a whole lot of needles and not finished rooting the head... you just outed yourself!! Ask June..
See June, you are on the other side of the world and I got you stuck right in the middle of a family dispute. Be nice, brat of mine, or I won't post your Boo Baby pictures in the gallery for you!!
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
On my first doll heads I was using 30+ I switched over to Crown rooting needles and use anywhere between 2 and 10. (I'm hard on my needles!) The Crown rooting needles only have 3 barbs and are much stronger than the 6 barbed ones. They rarely break, but eventually will bend or even become dull!
Loves, I use 1 barb 40 guage and dont break as many as on my first two Berenguar, but sinethen have only used Secrists and Elly Knoops sculps. They are a much softer head to root.
It really saves on needles if the dolls head is warm, because it makes the vinyl softer. Use a heating pad or heat sock that you put in the microwave for a few minutes at a time when you are rooting to keep the vinyl warm. janet
It really saves on needles if the dolls head is warm, because it makes the vinyl softer. Use a heating pad or heat sock that you put in the microwave for a few minutes at a time when you are rooting to keep the vinyl warm. janet
I have been using home brand knee high stockings as you get 3 prs $1.48 When you heat the rice in the microwave use a cup of water in beside the stocking so the rice doesn't burn.
I agree, use a rice sock. You don't need to stick the head in the microwave to warm as it wouldn't stay warm as long as with the rice sock.
Up until very recently I never used a rice sock, Secrist vinyl is already soft. HOWEVER I tried it and I would never go without the rice sock again. It makes it kind of like a knife through soft butter! What a dream......