Both Leprachauns got best of section. The one in dark green got Runner up of show. The other is the Swagman, 100-100, Best theme of show, June m Hope you like them.
WOW they look really good! I didn¨t imagine them as old men but know I really have a very clear idea of what a Leprechaun is. Thanks for share them whit me June! You are so sweet! Have a good day! or in spanish: que tengas un buen día!
Thanks to you June! It´s fantastic to share here in the forum! Hurra! =) Oh now I remember. I have something to share whit you: the monday is going to be the Independence Day here in Costa Rica and there is going to be a parade and I´m going to be there! Yayy! I´m so excited, I´m going to parade with my students! hehe! =)