Hi, my name is Elisha and I just finished my first baby. Please tell me what you think of him, he doesn't have a name yet so if you could please give me some suggestions of names. Also if you see something I did wrong or could of done better please tell me. Thanks
I think you did a great job rooting for the first time. You were able to do the newborn sparse look which so many of us try to do but aren't that successful at. Good job!
Thanks for all your comments I wanted him to have the newborn sparse look, but the next baby I do it will have more hair. He finally has a name its Kaden Jeremiah. I can't wait to do my next baby.
Great start Elisha - Like his little outfit. This is probably just personal taste, but the gloss on his lips, nose and eyelids is a bit heavy and therefor distracting. Try a lighter coat next time. Brilliant Love Alison
As a newborning teacher I think you did a good job on your very first newborn. I do agree with Alison on the gloss. I teach my students to use a satin-type glaze for those parts. If you look at many real babies you will realize that they don't all look like that on the eyelids, nose, and lips.
Other than that I think he is very well done for a first!
Hi your new baby was nicely done. As you are I'm really new to reborning. And I mean real new i haven't started yet. I've been making porcelain dolls for about twelve years so now I think it's time to move on to something new. I'm really dying to get into reborning !!! I have sent for Secrest Genises heat paint set. I also have bought a doll but with the eyes open. But now I'm thinking maybe I should for my first one get one with the eyes closed? I've been reading the different post. The advice that Buffington has been given different ones sounds great. Do you have any for me on how a green horn should get started. I also have Secrest beginner's dvd and the advanced dvd and rooting dvd. So as you can see I really ,really can't wait to get sttarted. I guess I'm afaid of doing a terrible job!!! Thanks for any help or advise. LINDA