is it safe to open the noses of the dolls? because some people say it ruins the vinyl and other people say it doesnt..if it is safe how do you do it? thanks :]
I open the noses on some of my dolls. I have never had any problems with it ruining the vinyl. I just use a drill bit like it shows to do in the first video series.
I no longer open the noses. The new sculpts are designed so realistically I don't feel a need to. Of course there is the risk of ruining the doll. I did open the noses of my first two reborns which were actual dolls I took apart. Now, I use the crease color and paint the inside of the nose with that.
I open the noses of my dolls with an awl heated over a flame (I use a candle). I first read about doing it this way in the Secrist 2008 catalogue and it works really well. Just don't make the mistake I made when I first tried it and stick your awl IN the flame... I now have an awl with a black tip! You just need to hold it above the flame to heat it.
I think opening the nose adds to the realism we're all after as reborners
Never allow your dreams to be torn apart By someone who isn't following their heart! - Faye Kilday
I use a dremmel. I pick a smaller drill size then the opening of the nose. I check to make sure it will fit then I open it up. You will only mess it up if you slip or you are shaky with a drill. Once you are done painting you will have to glue a piece of felt behind the nose holes so your cotton filler doesn't come out through the nose holes. I use a burgandy color. It looked much better then the bright red or the dark black.
Just be careful if you're using a drill 'cause if it slips it could leave a scar on the lips. I always place a small cloth like a thin washcloth over the mouth when I do this. So far I've opened two noses like this, both times the drills slipped but each time the washcloth saved me. Just a little tip from a klutz.
I'm also a holes in the nose gal! Slowly and gently is the key, Secrist kits are good to do, because there's quite alot of space to work with. When should you put the holes in, before or after painting? I've done it twice before and the results are outstanding. Good luck!
Opening nostrils is really a personal preference as you have seen here. I do open some but it depends on the vinyl (manufacturer) and how the kits look. If I have some with shallow nostrils I may open them.
Yes, do be careful with both the flame/awl and the drill methods. Always go slow. I paint mine after opening as you can get in there with a brush so there's no paint missing from drilling.
Also, yes, use a dark fabric but make sure it's colorfast as the glue can tend to make the colors bleed and can cause color migration in the vinyl.