Just finished my Danielle Zweers "Maxime" kit. I named him "Landon." I decided to sculpt him a baby tongue from clay and put it in his mouth. I tried to give him spit bubbles but they kept popping and I got frustrated so I just decided to go ahead and sell him without them. I just ordered me a spit bubble maker from Secrist so maybe that will make the bubble making a little less frustrating next time, lol!
Thanks Susan! I used Angora Rabbit mohair that I dyed myself and micro rooted it with a 43g German forked needle. Dyeing the hair is a big pain cause the hair is only about 3 inches long and so, so fine. I end up losing over half of the hair getting all the dye out, not to mention all the matted up stuff, lol.
It's a very slow rooting process because it takes so much rooting to make the hair visible and cover the head but it looks and feels (super soft!) sooo much like real newborn hair.
It's hard to go back to using the other mohair once you've seen how the rabbit hair looks and feels but it's so tedious to use and takes me so long to finish my baby there's no way I could use it everytime.
I just really enjoy all Danielle's sculpts. She does some of them from her own kids when they were babies. Love the little tongue you gave him... adorable!
What a great job!! I didn't know Secrist had a thing to make bubbles? I'm going to have to check this out. Your rooting is great. I also am having such a hard time rooting. But I'm not giving up I will get this. Any suggestions would be great!
I agree Buffington, Danielle is a very talented sculpter. Her babies have that special "newborn look" about them that I think is adorable!
The tongue worked out very well for this particular sculpt because I was completely happy with my kit when I got it, all except the mouth was opened just a little too much and all that dark empty space was going to take from the realism of the baby so I put the tongue in there and it worked perfectly! I just wish I could've got those saliva bubbles in there as well. That would have looked really good but I was still very pleased with his outcome and he was a joy to reborn!
Need Help, as far as tips on rooting go, I've been experimenting with reborn dolls for about 8 yrs now and about 1 year ago I decided to give the 43g forked needles a try because I was tired of having to go back and pull out half the hair I had already rooted because the 36 & 38g needles would root too many hairs per hole. Once I tried the 43g I was hooked as far as the improvement in quality goes. It now takes me about 3 times as long as it use to and my babies tend not to have as much hair on their heads as I USE to put, lol, but it really makes a HUGE difference in the realism of the baby.
I just try to root in 2 to 3 inch sections of the head at a time so I don't feel so overwhelmed trying to do a large area at once and I dont really have any particular section I start or end with, I just root whatever small section I feel like rooting at the time. I may spend 1 to 2 hours just going over that one small section. And I've noticed if while you are rooting with a 43g needle, you will save yourself a good bit of time and frustration if, when you notice your needle starting to slack off the number of hairs that are successfully being rooted into the scalp, you go ahead and change your needle right then, instead of fighting with it, twisting and turning it trying to get it to plug in the hairs because with the 43g, you end up poking ALOT more holes to cover the head with 1 to 2 hairs per hole so your needles will go dull or get warped and stop working as good as a new one will and you don't need it slowing you down so be prepared to change your needle frequently.
I believe the finer the texture of the mohair you use, the more realistic your baby's hair will look...Oh, and try the rabbit mohair. It looks so very realistic! But you can ONLY use the 42 & 43g needle with the rabbit mohair because it's so fine and any other size just roots wayy too many hairs and looks terrible, totally defeating the purpose of using the rabbit mohair to begin with.
That's about all I know to say about the hair rooting except, "Be Patient." A beautiful, realistic head of hair is not going to happen quickly. Try to take your time and not get in such a hurry because it will only get you frustrated and that will show in the outcome of your work. Hope that helps!