I have a premie Berenguer and I have read that you use a dremel to get rid of lines- but lil nervous. Any suggestions? Has anyone tried sandpaper- coarse and the softer? Then wash and paint. Thanks
it takes to long, your better off with a dremal type or at least a hand held power sander. oh big lots has a 10.00 dremal like thing. sage
I go along with this, if you have a dremal, my daughter just bought me on and it is great, just be carefull not to push to had to make any hllows, then use fine sand paper or as I did a glass nail file, we get them in OZ in the cheap shops abou $4/5 . I think I did a post on here with the rools. XXXX June
I'm afraid I agree, the dremel tool is really your best bet. Just don't apply alot of pressure and you should be fine. That after your done use a really fine grit sand paper to finish it off.
One thing you have to watch with the "power tools" (which I also suggest) is that Berenguers have uneven thickness areas in the head. The vinyl is not poured evenly and even without sanding you will have uneven vinyl areas. So watch "how" you sand. You want to just barely take off the hair lines, not go into the scalp.
After sanding I take some acetone and rub on the head. It actually kind of melts the vinyl so it is smoother and will take paint better. 1 note... when you remove paint from your dolls though, DO NOT rub as this can cause slick spots. I know it sounds contradictory but that's just how it works :o
I've used the dremel and the sandpaper, and it's not a chore for the weak. I have some other Berenguers here that I would love to reborn, but haven't got the fortitude to deal with the tools and the work of getting the hair lines smoothed out.
One word of advice that you probably already know... Be careful not to get the sand paper or dremel on the face. Otherwise, you risk seeing paint stuck in the teeny little lines. Good luck!
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)