Well as you all know Sam was to have surgery on the 4th to have something removed from the roof of his mouth and a byopsy taken and what we thiought was all his top theeth, well when we where in getting him set up in his lovely lilac gown, they tell us it is a full maxicllo removeal, well thats all right, we left home at 6am, and arrived for my appointment at 9.30am, his was 10.30am so just made both in time. After waiting, as he was 2nd on the list and being done at 2.30pm, the hours seemed to roll by. At 4.30pm the nurse came over and said, that his surgery had to be rebooked as the opp before his had complications. Well, I tell you i had a sore behind from sitting all those hours and Sam was numb from his his down, as he had to sit, while a young bloke with a broken nose (12 days Before ) got to lay on a bed. WELL I can tell you, Sam will be laying on a bed next time, whenever that is. XXXXX June.
-- Edited by sara zata on Thursday 5th of August 2010 11:27:55 PM
Hmmm, I would have had a word or two with someone about that. I mean the poor bloke with complications... I can see them taking more time with him but they still should have gotten Sam in. Especially since he came all that way and you guys waited all that time. Yes, next time I think they should give Sam (and you) the royal treatment. He gets a bed and you get a pillow for your bum. Or maybe a reclining chair eh? I'm so sorry you have to reschedual. :( But hugs to you both hun.
I think we can probably expect this kind of service here within the next few years. I have noticed things are getting worse and worse. We had a 3-hour delay for my 3-yr-old granddaughter's surgery--thanks to ineptitude on the part of the insurance company and communication with the doctor's office. They almost sent her home without the surgery because the doctor was getting backed up in his schedule. A hungry, thirsty, tired 3-year-old can quickly turn into a dehydrated child here in AZ where the humidity has been 7 percent.
So sorry, June.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)