From what I can see her skintone looks good. And you have the barely-there brows which is good. Have you thought about putting in a few more hairs on her head? She has some thin spots.
I would say the same as Pat about the hair, it does look to thin in the front section. Girls have a hair line a bit closer to the forehead where boys have the side bits a bit sparse. as for her colouring , her brows match the hair, which looks nice. As for doing eyelashes, mesure the length and cut from the outside edge to fit before you apply, place the glue along the top edge and bend to the shape of the top lid, using your thumb and fingerand a toothpic, place it into position and then use the toothpick to push gentle into position. I hope this is of some help to you. Eye lashes can be stressfull. XXXXXX June.
sometimes I get the eyelash in okay..this time I was trying to do it like Stephanie Sullivan..I was just shaking too much. I do that at times and also get that way when trying to speak. Sometimes those lashes go right in like a dream and then other times I've got the cold water and toothpicks and the little wooden sticks with the beveled tips...I just couldn't get it...I'll go back. so far I have gotten 2 negetive and 2 positives on this doll. Do you know that I went three days on this hair? I had 1/2 ounce and it just fuzzed up on me. What causes that? other times I can do 4 heads off an ounce easiy and that is given good my
AVIVA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud Mom of A Captain in the USAF
It could be the rooting needle, if mine goes fussy I keep spaying it with hair conditioner, or mouse, this seems to settle the fuss. I hope this helps you. How many barbs have yopu on your rooting needle? XXXXXXX June.