I was just wondering how many here is the forum apply storkbites/birthmarks for added realism to thier babies, and what different techniques you use to achieve them.
I use them on the back of the head or neck hun. I take my mop brush and take most of the color out of it (don't want it too dark). Then I just put a few marks on the baby and ever so lightly, pounce it with a sponge. Don't over-analize it or you'll want to lighten or blend more. Just do it and bake. :)
I think just a darker blush color. I've done a few using a darker red in my blush color. I'll first blush the area then added a darker color to that area. (hope that made sense LOL)
Yep, just a darker blushing color will work but don't put it too dark or someone will think the poor baby is hurt :o It's usually done on the back of the neck or in the scalp (or both).
I usually put the storkbite in the area at the top of the nose between the eyes because many babies seem to have some red there. Sometimes I also put one or more in the scalp. I usually add a storkbite at the base of the neck also.
I usually apply the storkbites on using the dark blushing color with a stipling brush because I like the effect of a group of distinct dots. After I apply it, I bake it before I change my mind. I think the color lessens in intensity after it has been heated, and the effect can always be muted with another layer of flesh color if you thik it's too much.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)