Okay well I have done everything but I haven't got a body for her yet. I have some pictures of her head. Can you see anything I need to change. Please be honest in your opinions. You won't hurt my feelings. Her lips look dark in some of the pictures but they really aren't. I think her eyebrows aren't right but I want some more input. Well here they are. Let me know what you think. Hugs Lori
Hi Lori, Briar Rose is so cute,I think the eyebrows are a little dark and could have each hair alittle longer that is just my opinion, overall I like the coloring and the hair I can't wait to she her finished.
WOW! she is so cute, and what an expression! i think that the eyebrows could be alittle longer and maybe a tiny bit thicker, and the eyelashes could be trimmed alittle shorter on the ends closest to the ear, besides that, AMAZING! love the rooting, can't wait till you are done! :)
I might have sold Briar rose for 350.00 and my honey for 150.00!!!! Here are some more pictures of her. Still have to do her brows over.okay I trimmed her lashes and took more pictures. I will try to fix her brows today. I will post an update again when they are done. Remember she has no body yet. I stuffed a onesie! Sorry I got picture happy! Hugs Lori
WOW AGAIN! lovely rooting! amazing! glad you fixed the eyelashes and that you are going to try again with the eyebrows, those are always tricky! you are very smart to stuff a onesie! it looks like a real body! best of luck!
Way to go! It's exciting that you may have sold two dolls. If Brier Rose looks good in a stuffed onesie, just think about how cute she'll look with her very own body. Good luck with those eyebrows--painting good eyebrows is one of the hardest skills for people to master.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
I hope so!! I can't believe it. I haven't been reborning for long so this is just wonderful. I love reborning and I am out of work. It will be nice to have a way to make money as I look for a new job. What would be great is if I could reborn instead!! Hugs Lori