Hi I just wanted to say I am back after being scarce due to my beautiful mothes illness since Novembe 2008. She passed away on July 27th and is now at peace and without pain...for that I am grateful. It is so hard to see such pain on those we love and are so close to and love dearly. My days have been very sad but I know that is to be expected for some time yet.
I am back with my reborns although a little slow, and I have listed my first for some time. Chat soon hugs Cherry
Welcome back! I'm so sorry about your mom. My mom died 12 years ago after fighting cancer, and although I knew she was no longer in pain, it was still so hard to let her go. Time has helped, but I still miss her terribly! God bless you, hun. Spend time with your dolls. It'll help! Hugs, Melinda
Melinda thank you for your kind words and I guessed that although time can heal some pain I don't think I will ever get used to her not being her. I am using the Reborns to help and My mother always loved me doing them so thats what I am doing. Hugs Cherry
Cherry, I did reply to this also but my new computer was playing up and wouldn't post it. I too lost my mother to cancer and 14 mths later lost my Dad, The only thing i can say is that i was sorry to hear the news. We lost our 1 st son and he would have been 41 tomorrow, he passed when he was 5 and I grieved for 18 yrs, when my Mum passed I let him go to be with her. They told me time heals all wounds and I was angry that anyone could say that, but now I realize that it does help. You never forget for a day but you always remember the good times. It was hard at first loosing my Mum because you would think of her and go to pick up the phone to tell her something ,only to remember she was no longer there. Once again my thoughts are with you, and when you reborn another baby, just thinmk she is watching over your creative talent. XXXXXX June.
It always angered me as well when people said things like that to me. I think it's just harder for people who haven't experienced such a close loss to understand and they really don't know what to say for comfort. Something saying nothing at all just comforting arms at says volumes. I lost my father when I was 14 and my mother when I was 29. I miss them both terribly every day. Time does ease the pain a bit, but I find the older I get, the more I miss them. I was so bitter for such a long time, I felt robbed of a complete family and for my children not really getting to know their wonderful grandparents. I only thing that help me somewhat was knowing that they were together finally again and nothing could part them ever again. My mother grieve hard everyday of her life after my father past until her time came and then she seemed almost ...excited at the end, relief almost, it was strange but comforting for me. To have a love like that all those years, a love that even withstood death, WOW. Anyway enough rambling, lol, so glad you back!
I was like that with my Dad, I'm sure he was wanting to go be with my mum. I didn't grieve as long for him knowing he was at piece with her and Sean. Today my boy would be 41, I do think of how different things might have been. But letting him go so he could be at the place he had to be, was a good feeling. We found out about 4 yrs ago when my daughters had genetic testing to see why the couldn't conceive that he had Williams Syndrome. So his life may have been a struggle. XXXXXX June
For me it was hard to do much of anything for at least a year after my mother passed away. That was 6 years ago. We had brought her out here to live with us when she began having problems as my Dad was already gone. Mom had ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease).
Go easy on yourself, okay?
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)