I have a doll that I need eyes for but being that this is my first I need to know what size eyeballs to get for her. The eye size was not specified as she was not a complete kit. She is angel eyes kit1-21by Kathy of Hope. She is a Bareinger (sp)doll and I believe that she is 21" long. I also have a question about the eyes being half or not. What does that mean? Thank you, Rhapsody
Hello Rhapsody, I just bought a 21 in. doll that need eyes I got 22mm, half round eyes they are not completely round they do not have a back just front and sides, round eyes are completely round. I hope this answers your question. This is just my opinion.
To make sure you get the correct size eyes, take a ruler and measure from the inside corner to the outside corner of the eye. Whatever that says is the eye measurement. It should be measured in mm (milimeters) not inches.
Also, with most of the Berenguer playdolls (premade purchased dolls), the eyes are deceiving. They are usually a half-round eye of plastic with the back of the eye a metal peice so they fit together like a full round eye (see Dee's post above). You will remove the entire eyeball and discard the whole thing. Then insert the new half round eye in it's place. Since you have removed the metal part also, there will be no back on the eye socket inside the head. That's ok, just insert the new eye, then glue the new eye from the back. Some people glue a light colored piece of cloth over the back of the eye and to the inside of the head. That way it acts like the socket back that is missing.
While you are on this eye topic, I was wonderdering why don't they make flirty eyes for dolls. I think it will be nice when you have an open eye baby and she gets tired that you can put her down to sleep...
Nice that they're coming out with some again. People always ask me if the eyes close on my babies. I tell them that usually those are saved for the play dolls or the antiques. I too will have to go check out the new AD doll