Hello, I am new to newborning and have a question about the size of eyes that come with a particular Secrist kit. I have a Bink kit and the eye size used is 24mm. I do not care for the look of the eyes in my doll head. I can see white all around the eye. The eyes are tiger brown. Maybe it's the eye color. I wonder if I could try a 26mm to see if the look is more pleasing. I've been told that each kit has a predetermined eye size. Anyone ever change the eyes of their doll head to another size other than recommended? Thanks for any comments.
You might want to try the 26mm eyes. I went down a size when I did my Corey from a 22mm eye to a 20 mm. It just gave her a softer look with that furrowed brow. Give it a go I say. Secrist does carry their Real Eyes Brand that go up to a 26mm (just not in the newborn colors). Have you tried setting some eyelashes on her with those eyes? It can make all the difference in the world. I had the same problem with the AV Guppy. I got the green eyes and she looked like she was scared! But it was a different story when I got lashes on her.
Buffington, thank you for your input regarding the size of the eyes in the Secrist doll kit. I think I will go ahead and try the 26mm. It's frustrating for the company and the new reborn doll artist; unless you have the actual eye color to see how you like in your particular doll, it's kind of hit or miss.
Oh, by the way, my first reborn doll is a Guppy also. When I get her finished, I'll send a picture. :)
You're welcome :) One thing you might try to at least see the color next to your doll is to print off the eye page from the website. Then cut out the eyes and just place them on the face near or over the eye hole. Computers and printers differ in how the colors look but at least you would have a better idea. it's just a thought.
OOO I can't wait to see how your Guppy looks. Please post her in the artist showcase :)
Chuckle, it will be awhile, I'm at the point of painting the eyebrows. Any advice from someone who has done this before? Any hints, tricks, or secrets? LOL
I will post her when I get her finished. I've got a house full this weekend. My son and his wife and their two little girls are visiting. It's pure chaos, but I love it! :)
When painting eyebrows (and there is a nice tutorial in the 09 tutorial magazine) always start with your non-dominant side, and turn upside down (I mean the head lol) and do that one that way. it fools the logical brain. One stroke at a time. draw some hairs but don't fill in on your first baking. then fill in the smaller hairs, bake.