Hi Tina, When I bought some English mohair in Ausstralia, it was like fibres that were woven together not sure if it is the same there. There is a lady Called Debbie that sells all different colours of mohair and sends out sample of colours and prices, the samples are free. It is lovely mohair. I will get back to you with her email address. XXXX June.
Thank you June. I did get the address and will try it out . I thought I read somewhere that English mohair was a good quailty but I wanted to check here and get some thoughts before I proceeded further. It is hard to find a good source at a decent cost .
I do not use English mohair and never will. It is roving hair, so there is tons of waste and it's very difficult to use. Use mohair that's premium, is in seperate strands, and isn't longer than about 10 inches. Usually it will be hand dyed, hand combed, and hand washed. Mohair by Debbie is this kind of hair, very nice.
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
see alot of people advertising "premium" mohair and bought from a few different suplliers and for the most part were not satisfied with thier mohair . I guess I just have to find the right supplier. I am going to try Debbies mohair though I have heard so many good comments on it. Thank you for straighting me out on the English mohair. I don't like the roving hair as well and just didn't know what the English mohair was. You've been a great help!
I really like the English Mohair that Secrist offers. It's WAY better than the regular basic mohair. I rooted nicely for me. I had no problems and not much waste at all.
I also order from Debbie and her mohair is fabulous! It rivals the Secrist Ultra (which they are out of stock on).
I would like to know a good stand by for really good mohair. I have one that is just fab. and it roots so easily and quickly and doesn't get dye on the baby's head...arghhh that has happened twice to me and the mohair was way more expensive that what I usually pay. But if you want to know a good stand by for when your supplier runs low I'll give you Kathy's addy. Her's goes really fast but I noticed yesterday she had some on ebay...med. brown which I don'thave...hummmmmmm lol I have to control myself. I have about 6 ounces..lol
AVIVA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud Mom of A Captain in the USAF
Thanks Pat. I want to give Debbies Mohair a try, I read somewhere in here though that her dark colors ran a bit?????? Have you had any problems with this? Aviva - I've tried so many on ebay scare to give it another go They say premium in thier listing's however thats not what I'd call it upon receipt. I'm sure there are great sellers with wonderful hair I just need to connect with them, right now it's just costing me money and sitting in a box . I had the same problem you did with dye running as well. Poor Teagan, I was furious !
Always test your mohair BEFORE you do anything else with it. Do it right away so you'll know. Just take some of it and put it in a pan/bowl with warmish almost hot but not quite water in it. Then let it set for about 15 mins. Check the water (especially for black hair) and see if it's coloring the water. If not, take a white paper towel and set the mohair on it to drain. See if there's any on the towel. If not, your good to go on rooting and shouldn't have any problems with it.
I know, there's nothing worse than getting your bub rooted and having the hair color/dye run on the poor thing. Imagine how scarry it is for the bub? lol
I have not had any problem with Debbies mohair coloring coming off. Hadn't heard that. I guess it doesn't matter who's hair it is, always check it. Some people don't really know what the meaning of premium is so they put what they think they have. They really probably don't use it so they wouldn't know. Part of the "premium" is in the type and cut of the hair. Some is the processing.
Thanks for the tip on dyed mohair. I recently went back to order more from Debbie and it looks like she raised her prices by $10.00 :( So I just for now I'm on the hunt again. It's really a shame I loved her mohair but her prices are abit more than I can spare right now. Should have ordered more earlier.
Having used Debbies mohair, for me I guess it's worth it even if it's up a bit. She had good service and really great mohair. It's nice to have a reliable vendor, no hunting or worries about quality.
When Secrist has their premium mohair (Angel ?) I try to get this. Its really good but they do tend to run out quickly. You also get a goodly amount for the price. Waste is minimal depending on how you root. They also have the English mohair. I find that hair really fine and better used with the German forked needles.
Ya, just because someone says "premium" hair doesn't mean they know that from a hole in the ground on quality. Some just buy it from other vendors and kick up the price so they make a profit. They don't have a clue on quality or colorfastness (ooo, is that even a word?). But you KNIM. All you can do with your mohair is to put it up for sale and get rid of it if you don't like it.
Your right Pat. I do love her mohair but the way money is right now its just a bit more than I can spare at the moment. Hopefully things will get better for everyone economically.
-- Edited by Tina W. on Friday 17th of July 2009 10:03:46 PM
Ya, I know. It's tough all over the world! My daughter hasn't been able to find work in 11 mos. And even McD's won't hire her because they say she's "over qualified"! So how about that eh? I know Debbie was having medical issues so maybe that and the economy has something to do with her prices.
Yea, it's horrible. Its a horrible cycle. People have to raise prices because no one is buying like they use to and no one is buying like they use to so people have to raise thier prices. My brother in law was just laid off! I don't know what they are going to do. My son wanted a summer job to save for a car (he's 17 now and driving soon) anyway he's having no luck at all not even on the farms around town! I sure hope things get better soon.