I have done quite a few babies now and I have encountered a problem which I have never had before. When I am rooting there isn't very much hair on the inside of the head. It's as if the needle isn't pulling the hair through properly. From the outside it looks how I like it to but inside there is hardly any hair showing through. I think as soon as I brush it, it will all pull out again. Also I am rooting from the middle of the hair so in theory It should look like there is 2 hairs in one hole but one piece keeps on breaking off. I always use good quality mohair and I am using the same needles that I always use so I wouldn't think that should be causing me problems. I think I will end up having to pull out what I have rooted and start over. I am a little stummped. The head does seem just a little bit harder than some other dolls that I have done before. Could this be causing this problem and would a rice sock help? Any advice or tips would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Karen.
It sounds like you have discovered the answer to the problem on your own hun. I do a rice sock now as I have had the same problem with some of my heads. Although I have glued the inside of the head when it is this way and have not had any problems, I do think I like the rice sock method.
Also, try not to root your hairs in the middle, go about 1-1.5 inches from the end. This will give you better control also.
O.K. I had to pull out what I had rooted and it came out VERY easily so it was a good thing I got at it early. I tried the rice sock and there was an improvement but for some reason the hair still kept breaking if I rooted one hair at a time. In the end I ended up rooting about three hairs at a time and they are staying put. The only thing is I really prefer to root one hair at a time now. I prefer the "un-pluggy" look but I guess I can go over the head at the end with some tweezers and thin any littly plugs. I brushed what I have rooted and it is staying put. I did actually want this baby with a thicker head of hair and he will have that now. Thanks again for the help Pat.
Yes, when I am finished I will get my hubby to help me put some pics up of him and of the cryer doll by Donna Rubert that I did. I am paticularly pleased with that one. Actually I have a few dolls that I will try to put on the Showcase as I would like some honest opinions.
I am reborning Tanner at the moment and before I start rooting on him I have bought a single practice head to work on. I like the ultra fine 42 gage needle. I use the rice sock to keep the vinyl warm and have followed Secrists Rooting DVD. Stephanie makes it look SO easy. I'm doing it and it looks horrible. I don't know how much space I need to when poking the needle in from one poke to another. (If that makes any sense at all) It seems clumped together and I think I'm not doing it right. I don't want it to look too sparce and I don't want it to look like it's too much hair and have it all thick and sticking out all over the place. I'm also having problems with creating the swirl. I'm not sure if I need to angle my needle as I push it in and if I do, what angle looks the most natural? Any help will be most welcome. Thanks much!
The 42 guage needle is good. Yes, Steph does make it look so easy. You should see how fast she goes in person! Do you have someone's head you can poke around on and look at their hair roots! lol I know it sounds funny but sometimes you gotta do it! :o
It does take some time to get the right feel of the needle and how it goes into the head. Are you holding it like she shows in the dvd? I mean with regard to the angle to the head. You should root with the needle almost parallel to the head and go in kinda sideways. And for the swirl, I put in one hair, turn the head a little, one hair turn the head again... every time I put in a hair for the swirley part I turn the head just a little. Almost like millimeters. It might be good to get a cheap practice head and some cheap mohair (there's enough of it out there, :o ). Or maybe just practice on a limb instead.
Ok does any of this make sense to you? Always with the angle almost parallel to the head and in the direction you want the hair to go. Be sure you don't go at such an extreme angle that when you poke the hair into the head it that the tip of the needle comes out a short poke away lol! My friend did that once.
That is just what the information I was looking for. Thanks Pat! My son had a full head of hair since the day he was born and I'm pretty sure he hasn't lost a hair since. But what a great idea checking someones head. All the baby's I've seen have either been bald or a whole head of hair. I'm definatly going to purchace practice heads, and different types of mohair to check it out. I will try your suggestion. Thanks again. Willa