O.K, I have a question and it might sound really dumb but I really need to ask. What is the difference between flat backed eyes and full round eyes? I mean I know the obvious , that one is flat and the other is round but what I really mean is, when do you use the flat backed eyes and when would you use the round eyes? I haven't done any open eyed babies yet apart from the Secrist babies that already had the eyes inserted. I have been concentrating on getting my painting how I wanted it to look and didn't want the hassle of worrying about eyes but now that I am happy with my painting I want to try an open eyed baby but it has opened up a few questions I hadn't even thought about. Also, when would you use the oval eyes? I really haven't a clue with the eyes, silly me, LOL. Thanks.
I've used the half round eyes on all my open-eyed babies, so far.
This is my understanding of oval vs. round. If I'm wrong, I hope someone will come along and correct me! You use the oval eyes *only* if the description requests them. From the photos I've seen of them they are going to fit differently than round eyes.
I'm pretty sure you can use round or half-round on the same sculpt because when you stuff the head the stuffing will take up the space the round ones would have!
Thanks for the advice. I need to get some eyes for a doll that I am going to do and apart from the fact that is says the doll needs 22mm eyes I didn't have a clue which ones to get. At least now I can order them. One more question that has come into my mind if anybody could answer it for me, Do all the round eyes have the little stalks on the back or is it just the blown glass ones. I can't work out how the stalk on the back will fit with the eye flap back in place or are they just for when you are sculpting. Sorry for so many questions but I don't want to buy some eyes that are no use to me because from what I have seen some of them can be quite pricey. Thanks again. Karen. X
Some of the secrists eyes, that I have seen, only are half without the bach,(stem,) if the eye space has a stem in the vynal ,like elly knoops babies, you can cut that off and insert from back. some of the cheaper dolls like Berenguar have oval eyes in them and you can remove them before painting. You can either warm them or cut a slit accross the back, then you could use oval glass eyes, or replace with the ones you took out. I think most secrits kits are made with a space for half round, I hope that is a little bit more help. What kit are you working on.
Thanks for the advice. I need to get some eyes for a doll that I am going to do and apart from the fact that is says the doll needs 22mm eyes I didn't have a clue which ones to get. At least now I can order them. One more question that has come into my mind if anybody could answer it for me, Do all the round eyes have the little stalks on the back or is it just the blown glass ones. I can't work out how the stalk on the back will fit with the eye flap back in place or are they just for when you are sculpting. Sorry for so many questions but I don't want to buy some eyes that are no use to me because from what I have seen some of them can be quite pricey. Thanks again. Karen. X
I don't know about *all* but the ones I've seen, do. Whoever you are buying your eyes from should give you a front and side view which will show you if they have the stem!
Oohh! this all sounds very confusing, I think I am going to get in a real mess with these eyes, LOL. Thanks for the replies but I'm sorry to say I am still a bit lost. I am always the same when I haven't done something before, I get really confused untill I get it straight in my head. The kit I am going to order is a new sculpt by Adrie Stoete schuiteman called Daisy. She is a really pretty little baby and I must do her but I am so lost. If the doll has a flat moulding on the back of the eye but the eye has a stalk what do I do then. Sorry I must sound a real numb nuts but I don't actually know anybody who does reborning who can show me. Karen. X
Most of Adrie's sculpts (and I LOVE most of them!!!) take the "half round" eyes which are the ones that most of the doll kits (except some Berenguer) take. The ones with the "stems" or also known as "full rounds" are mostly used for porcelains or dolls with no flap on the back of the eye socket.
The half rounds will not have a stalk. The "flat back" (which are different) eyes are usually a thinner eye and are solid not hollow like the half rounds (the ones with no stems).
So just go ahead and order the size it says you need for your Daisey by Adrie (in a half round eye). You can also order Secrist eyes for her like I do. I really like them. I ordered a pair of the blown glass eyes for another sculpt I'm doing and liked the color but not the pattern of the colored iris of the eye. They were not at all realistic looking.
If you need any more explaination of eyes just post here and I'll get back to you ok? :)
Wow! you explained that brilliantly Pat, I am all clear now. I think I will stick with the Secrist eyes in that case as I have liked the eyes in the Secrist dolls that I have done. Thanks pat for your brilliant explanation, you always make it sound simple (or is that me, LOL).
Just had a look at the the Secrist eyes and had to pop back on and say quickly that they are great. Lots of colours to choose from and GREAT value. Yay Secrist, youre the best
I like Secrists eyes too, in the past there were some other brands that changed colour and I think a lot of porcelain doll makers got caught with them. The worst part about it is you have to take the head off and redo the eyes and hair. Thank you Pat B. for setting us on the right path.
I have always used Secrist Real Eyes for all my porcelains (20 years now!) and they have never changed color. I did a show this past weekend and had several people stop by with their dolls. One lady said she had porcelains from years ago and the eyes she used changed colors so ya, I know exactly what you mean. I did tell her I would do the change out of the eyes if she wanted me to. Or she can just purchase them from me lol
Ok, so as a follow up to that OLD question, if a sculpt calls for half round, can I use oval?? There's a great deal going on for oval eyes, and I need 18mm half rounds. Why exactly won't the oval fit, or can I use them?
The ovals have different dimentions and are exactly that... oval (or some are actually marquise shaped like a cats pupil). Some are hollow and some are "flat-backed" and would be shorter on the top/bottom and longer on the sides. They are usually made for Asian babies
It's the difference between this O and this () (turned 1/4 turn). I hope I'm making sense. Some of the older Berenguers had the oval flat backed eyes.
I use oval glass in my Porcelain as they can turn to fit the shape of the bevelling out of the eye socket, bit with the reborns, It's Secrits all the way. Don't want to have to change anymore dolls eyes. XXXXX June.
You're very welcome hun. Ya June, I know the issues with having to remove the wigs and pates from the porcelains. What a mess that can be. Least with our vinyls we don't have pates! :o