I was wondering if I could use the doll form for sculpting a santa head? I would like to know what sizes in inches they are. Can you use glass eyes instead of the plastic eyes? Any info would be appreciated.
I would sure think so. It's just a basic form for dolls to make sure you get everything where it goes.
I would imagine you could use glass eyes in it as long as they fit. You have to use full round eyes so the stems fit out the back of the sockets so you can position them how you want them.
Then after you sculpt, be sure to follow the clay manufacturers directions on cooking the clay.
I can't wait to see your Santa sculpt! I am working on a Santa but I'm using the Grandpa head from Apple Valley. I'm going to root his beard too with white angora goat. I have some that is just lovely and will work just fine!
Good luck and don't forget to let us see your Santa in the artists showcase! :)