My Fiancee arrived here on the 1st so it has kept me away and i feel like I have a ton of catching up to do. Can't wait to see all the gorgeous babies everyone is working on or finished.
My Zoe sculpt is painted and I am almost done with the rooting so maybe by the end of the week I will have pictures of my second one. I received the Jody kit I ordered, she is huge! The head seems enormous compared to Taffy and Zoe but I am looking forward to her and figure maybe she will be my third instead of Louise. I have also ordered my first open eyed baby and that seems pretty scary.
I hope everyone is doing well, I will work on catching up to PM's and stuff too, it's been a busy week.
I'm having withdrawls in another way. I have 12 kits waiting for me to do, but I can't get started until my husband hooks up my new range that was delivered a week ago. We moved into a house that has a gas range and I don't trust it baking the paint on my babies. So here I am waiting till he has a day off and can install it. The wait to create is killing me!!!! Janie
A Very Fresh Goodmorning to you Janie, You know what might have been a solution, was to go and buy asecond hand one with a powerpoint plug in it just to use for your babies, just a thought because we have about 8 sitting arround doing nothing, My husband used to be a demolisher untill his birtdayJan 07. When he had a bad fall and can't work anymore. But I have kept one to put in the laundry just for the babies, it doesn't have to bee installed and if we decide to travel later, we can take it with us. We are moving house and also have four kilns to set up, that is how I first became addicted to these little darlings, because we are waiting on a house to be finished to set up a show room, with all my Porcelain dolls and now I have to make room to display my newborns. Hope your set up soon. I know how frustrating it can be.June M from Oz