Hi hun heres how i make my magnetic dummys, cut your teat of your dummy using an exacto knife as close to the rim as possible I use E600 glue and glue one of the magnets onto the dummy covering where i have cut the teat of i let that completely dry then take a small square piece of felt (i use a skintone colour or white) and glue that ontop of my magnet on the dummy and trim around the edges so it ends up the same shape (round) i do this so it protects the vinyl when mummy uses the dummy alot. with my other magnet i make sure i have the side that sticks to the other magnet the "pull" side (to test this just hold the magnet over the one youve already put on the dummy you want the side that connects them together) i then take another small piece of square felt and using E600 I glue it "pull" side down(the side that sticks to dummy magnet) let that dry. put some glue on the square piece of felt that the magnet is glued too (the side that isnt showing the magnet) now place the dummy over the babys mouth with one had and insert the piece of felt with the magnet on (it helps to add a touch of glue on your finger and put your finger on the magnet ready to insert this will hold the magnet to your finger so it doesnt fall off) you want to glue it felt side to vinyl,place it inside your head where the mouth of the baby is and push down, the dummy magnet will pull it so that it is in the correct place if needed move the dummy until you have it looking exactly how you like it leave the dummy on the babys mouth until everything is dry. I sure hope this isnt too confusing for you its really hard to explain things like this im so much better at piccies and showing hehehe hope this helps (((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
Leah, T.E.A, I knew about the felt on the dummy, but didn't know about the inside of the head, so thats something else I,ve learn't from you. (((hugs)))June M from Oz
The biggest problem I've had with pacifiers is some need special glue to hold the magnet on. It is a special all silicone paci that you have to use fish tank sealant to make it work! I still haven't gotten around to buying it. Not a huge priority for me!
I didn,t want my magnet to stick out to far so I put it on the hotplate and heated it, then used a pair of forsepts to pic it up with, It melted into the pacifier without any problems, but roof and gutter sealent would be good also. What is E600?June M from Oz
E6000 is great for gluing magnets, and it dries clear. It has a little odor when you first open the tube, but it disappears as it dries. It's my favorite for pacifiers.
That's something else for the list for me also, As I have only put magnets in 2 babies, and as I said I heated it on the hot plate and it melted in the dummy and has served the purpose. on the inside of the head, Once i Had it in place I used the roof and gutter sealent. E6000 on the list as we speak.
i use the hot-glue gun now for my magnets -- i use to use super-glue.
I've also found that some baby's mouths are a little difficult to have the dummy "sit right" and so i often mount my magnet on super-sculpey on the dummy... i'll have to take pics to show. so keep your eye out and i'll do a little shoot of how i do my dummy's
Hola, Muchas Gracias, Naomi, Susan has been teaching me one word at a time, so I maybe can talk to her and Isabelle. Waiting on pics about dummy. LoveJune M from Oz