I bought a berenguer doll (20") before I started on the real doll kits. Well I never started on it, but now I want to go ahead and do it, but I have no idea what size of eyes it takes, And I can't measure the ones that I took out because I lost them. Does anyone know how I can find out what size eyes I need? Thanks
I have a few of the kids berenguar dolls, i,ll measure them tonight, and dome backand let you know. just on here quisk this mornig, have Drs appointments after 10.30am, but will get back to you, inthe mean time canyou post a picture of the one you have.June M from Oz
Hi Tracy To measure the diameter of your doll's eyes, the eye socket should be measured in millimeters (mm) from corner-to-corner this will tell you the size you need. Here is a berenguer eye chart for you hun your doll may be on there(((hugs))) http://www.rebornsupplies.com/eye_size_chart
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose