Ive been getting a few emails/requests from other reborners asking me to write some painting tutorials I also have a few who live close by asking for classes I wanted to know the steps to becoming a certified secrist teacher and I have a few questions, somone told me once that to be certified with secrist you must paint a certain way doing each step like they do in the dvds internal wash etc is this true? and you must only use secrist mixed sets and cant add any of your own self taught paint mixes? im a little confused so would appreciate any help! ((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
what was the answer? i was keeping an eye on this to see what was said as am interested myself.
I took down at least 12 names at the show of ppl interested in doing workshops to learn how to reborn. I haven't decided yet if i will go ahead with doing any.
I am a Secrist "Certified" teacher. You can take classes anywhere you want but to be a "Secrist Factory Certified Teacher" you MUST attend a certification class at the factory in Midland, Michigan (Per Pat Secrist).
Now, you may teach the "Secrist method" WITHOUT being factory certified, you can also purchase the Beginner and Advanced Classroom Training DVD's (beginner comes with CD tutorials) and do it that way.
These are 2 different ways to teach with Secrist. If you teach the "Secrist method" that should be strictly Secrist and if you throw in any extras be sure to say that this part is your own way and not part of Secrist. That way someone doesn't get things confused. I do teach some "extras" but tell my students that they are "my" ideas and techniques.
I hope this helps. Collectible Kids is a good place to take classes :) They are one of our preferred dealers
Pat B, Naomi, I went to Sealy,s Classes here and it cost me a fortune, I didn,t learn anything new in porcelain doll making, and it didn,t teach me how to teach, I think if you have it in you , you should go for it. And Pat B, you have seen Naomi,s photos, don,t you think she is ready to teach. I have a lady from here wanting me to teach her the way I do it, so I,ll give it a go and see what she thinks. June M from Oz.
Yes, I have seen Nome's babies. They are well done for a former newbie! I also think pretty much anyone can teach if they have it in them and want to do that.
I know Robyn wanted Mr Secrist to come to OZ and give a certification class and I think he might be considering it (don't quote me hehehe).
I do teach Secrist method but like I said, I do like to throw in some of my own stuff and you can combine them. I call it modified Secrist method :) lol You know... that is why I like the classroom training dvd's cause they help you teach (in case you want to but are not sure how to do it). And you get the free CD with all the print-outs for the students!!! Just a thought
Pat B, When he does want to come , I should have my house all set up, and he,s welcome to stay here, I,m sure a lot of Queenslanders would travel, and stay at motels arround the area. You have Vanettes, not fare from me but our huose and show room will only be minutes off the highway. So tell him to keep it in mind. We can even pick him up from the Airport. I,m sure the ones on the forum would only be glad to do the same in their states.June M from Oz. P.S. If he does it in 2009 , he could launch the new, Secrists Guide to Re borning. lol and wishing.
I would have loved to have reborning certification. Shortly I will be teaching a newcomer how to reborn, but my methods have been derived from numerous wonderful tutorials (including Secrist...first baby was Jamie) and by taking a little from here and a little from there, I have refined them to my style. Then I also use several painting methods; GHSP, Permanent acrylics, and inks based upon the type of kit that I feel it would suit. I like to experiment so that ruled me out rather quickly!
Judie, Under this topic, I wrote about that same subject and I got certification, for porcelain doll making, but I don,t have it on display, to me it realy doesn,t matter unless you are going to do it the way you have been certified. And as you have your own style, why do you need it. All it does as I found with Sealys, is put a big hole in your pocket. I course cost me over $800. and I did quite a lot, it didn,t prove that I could teach. But that is only my opinion. You,ve either got it or not. Love June M from Oz.
Judie, I did two of these seminars, both costing around the same and I hate both dolls, I woulldn,t even get $100 each for them, so they have never been finished or put together. I even passed an Antique doll making exam, and I hate them. But I had to do another three or four seminars to get the certificate. I gave that a miss. I,ve probably done about twelve all together, some of couse were a little cheaper, but not by much.June M from Oz
owwwww June that had to hurt! Definitely that would not be something I would want to do. It would have to be strictly about reborning and maybe they included sculpting! Nahhhh, I'm good. Thanks for sharing!