I have just started last night to apply the hair to my first baby I am using the 38 needle that I ordered from lyn's and also the blonde and light brown mohair to gether and it is realy going in literaly one hair at a time I have just looked on the showcase and gumdrop is there half rooted and her hair is looking like it is going in much thicker I know that this hair is a lot darker than what I am using I am doing a new born baby look so sparse is great for me but why is gum drop looking so much thicker?
well it all depends on the needle used for gumdrop your needle may have 1 barb and little gumdrop needle may have had 3 barbs, more barbs more hair, you can achieve the same look with a 1 barb needle by rooting the hairs close together and not leaving much of a gap it does take a very long time though hope this helps ((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose