*giggles* its a chat short hand used originally in chat rooms it means Laughing Out Loud (as in right now i'm laughing out loud or think that funny)
there are hundrens of short hand text but LOL is probably the most widely adapted. I often type *giggles* instead just because its cute and i do tend to giggle when i laugh.
lets see what other short hands i can think of... LOL- laughing out loud ROFLOL- rolling on the floor laughting out loud (extreamly funny that i'm in a fit of laughter) ROFLMAO- rolling on floor laughing my A*% off WB- welcome back (when someone has left a chat and now come back, acknowledgement that you noticed) BRB- be right back... maybe the phone rang or your just stepping away from the computer for a moment TTYL- talk to you later TTFN- ta ta for now OMG- oh my god (i'm in shock, i'm embarrased, i can't believe it) POS- person over my shoulder - usually a parent so shut up i don't want my folks to know what we're talking about. NT- new topic (same meaning as pos)
hmmm i can't think of others right now, its been a few years since i've used chat or msn. there are hundreds more these are just the bare few.
Just goes to show how old I am. MY sayings are more like, plates of meet .> bigfeet. You run with your nose , smell with feet . And just at the moment I,m brain dead> Yesterday my youngest grandson turned one, heis name is Tallis Samuel after one of the Bronco stars Gorden Tallis, we had a Mc Donalds party , the IVF Doctor came and the TV crew and heaps of babies so I<nm all babied out. I don,t know when it will go to air.June M
yeah we have channel 7. its only rural WA that doesn't get coverage. Here in the city we're fine - besides we have foxtel anyway. __________________
as for the chat savy speach -- even i had to ask what it ment when i first come across it which is shameful as i am the generation of internet, text msgs and chat room communication. i didn't understand the smilies made from punctuation either and had to have that explained to me also!!
-- Edited by precious_lullabies at 16:44, 2008-07-19