I was wondering if someone could tell me, if I can bake a baby with rooted hair? I want to put a little more colour on a baby I bought, but I don't want to spoil her rooted hair. I also have a baby with a little hard vinyl, that I want to try to root. What do you good people, use to make the head warmer, so you can root? Someone told me, that a heatgun, wasn't smart to use to that?
Marianne,.. I would not recomend a heatgun eather for warming the doll head ...too hot,..i always use a rice sock.It goes like this.... I have a cotton sock that i have filled with rice,... i put the sock in the microwave along with a cup of water for 3-4 minutes ...when its warm you can put the rice sock in the dolls had that way it warms your vinyl so its easy to root.
I had to go back and do something to my doll after I rooted. We put a damp cloth over just the hair of the doll, NOT the entire doll face to the hair wouldn't dry out.
I did notice that the glue peeled up at the edges after it cooled. I just rooted alittle more because I needed to tone the color down anyway then I just re-glued the inside of the head again and it was fine.
You can bake your baby if it has mohair not synthetic hair (people root with that too).
Make sure you wet the hair, put conditioner on it, or if you use your heat gun make sure that you cover it with a wet washcloth as it will singe the hair right off the doll!
I do like the suggestion of putting a wet cloth on the head before putting in the oven also. That should work too!
After I finished painting Zoe & Missy and rooting them I noticed a lot of shine. I had already used E6000 to seal their hair! All I had to do was take a damp wash cloth and place it over the mohair and then bake as usual. I did not have any problems whatsoever with the hair or the glue. I can't tell you about other kinds of glue, though!
BE AWARE: Don't bake the synthetic lashes! They will melt! If your baby has lashes already that you didn't root then make sure you remove them before putting baby back in the oven!
Loves Dolls- I am having a similar issue. I already have the hair and eyelashes rooted and the E6000 sealing them however I noticed a mark on her forehead that needs a touch-up. Do I wet the how do I protect my rooted eye lashes?
Hello Tina..My name is Liz and i am new to this Forum.. I have been reborning now for almost 2 years and i have on several occasions baked my babies head again due to needing more color on them..If you wet the hair with a liitle hair conditioner in the water with a baby brush or comb while rooting it will be okay.Mine have come out fine..If you have already glued the inside i would suggest another coat of glue just to be sure..As for the lashes i haven't had a problem with baking them.. If you aren't to sure about baking the lashes you can always take them out and start again... Putting a wet cloth on the hair before baking is a good idea... I re-baked one yesterday with the hair in but no glue and it's fine. I actually havn't finished rooting it yet!! Hope this helps you..Liz
The picture is my Xmas baby for this year her name is Olivia (Hannah kit)she has been adopted... I found it really hard to part with her...
Thank you Liz- Still debating on if I want to fix it yet or just live with it. It's not that noticable, but is nice to know there is an option and it can be done.
You could always lay the head back and put wet cotton balls on them. Since they are rooted lashes they might not be a problem. I wasn't sure if they were synthetic or rooted.